Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What I'm Loving Wedensday/Pinterest Mesh


This Wedensday

I'm LOVING: I'm so sad it's about to be gone from the internet. I love being able to turn my pictures into this:

(This is D,C, Me, C, and A before the KY basketball agme last week. We stood outside waiting for the doors to open for 4.5 hours, then sat there another 2 hours in the colesium waiting for the game to start. Yay, we're dedicated basketball fans.!)

...My two new peices of Artwork.
(I found a picture pretty much similar to this on Pinterest, and thought it would be so cute in a bathroom, so I painted my own!)

(This is a painting I did for my older sister. She found this on pinterst and wanted me to make her one. It may look like the background is light purple, but it's actually a light blue. Then on the original picture it had a redish color where the pink is, but I couldn't do red because then it would be blue and red, and that's Ole Miss colors, and that just won't do. Lol!)

...This weather...again. It rained last night, and today just feels perfect. It's a little overcast, but still very nice breeze.

Well, I know that's not very much things I'm loving right now. But I really just wanted to share my pictures, and how sad I am that Picnik will be no more in April. I hope you enjoyed it. And I linked it up to Pinterst, becasue both paintings came from Pinterst.

Have a happy Wednesday.




Abbey said...

Isn't Picnik just moving to Google+? I think you'll still be able to do the same things, just through Google instead of their own website.

tiffani LAUREN said...

oh are they? Okay, well that's good!