Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Week Update

Monday the 13th
It was the first night of recruitment and in honor of Valentine's Day I made these cute little Jello cups. I tried to take a picture of them, but it did not turn out very well. I actually got a real positive response from the cups. I didn't think it was going to be a big deal considering it was just jello, but I did get lots of compliments saying they enjoyed it. They also thought the chocolate heart was really cute. If you click 'Jello cups', it will send you to the link with the recipe along with a video on how to create them. You'll also see how darling they look!

Tuesday the 14th
So I didn't have a Valentine this year, but that's okay because I got to spend V-day with two great friends, A & K! We made tacos for dinner and watched What's Your Number?, which was pretty funny. A & I fell in love with the song at the end of the movie. It's Natasha Bedingfeild's "Neon Lights" and it's all I can listen to. If you haven't heard it, you should go check it out. By next week I'll probably be sick of it because I would have listened to it so much.

Wedensday the 15th
It was the second night of Recruitment and unfortunately I had a Earth Science Lab that I had to attend so I missed majority of Recruitment which was sad. Not to mention it was pouring down rain! On my way out of the building, I didn't know there was a step so close to the door and I tripped and sprained my ankle just a bit. I did recover quite quickly, however, and hurried my way to recruitment.

Thursday the 16th
Last night of recruitment and it was a blast! I got to stay the whole time. My friend, L, taught us the sticky note game, where everyone gets the amount of sticky notes there are in the circle. For example if there are 12 people in the circle, everyone gets 12 sticky notes. On the first sticky note you write either a sentence or a subject or whatever. Then you pass it to your right and the next person takes what you wrote and draws a picture. Then, they pass and the next person writes a description of the picture. And you keep going drawing a picture, writing a description, drawing a picture, until it gets back to the original sticky. Then you have this timeline ordeal and it creats some of the funniest things ever! We laughed soo hard at some of the things girls came up with. It's our new favorite game!
It was also our Dress up night and I wanted to take pictures but I forgot to put my Sim card in the camera so no pictures. But I'm so excited because we got some AWESOME girls!

This weekend...
I have a lot of fun things going on this weekend and this time I do have my Sim card in my camera so I will be sure to take as many pictures as I can. My camera is a little slow, so I may not take too many because I lose my patience with it trying to take pictures. Hope everyone's weekend is superb!


1 comment:

Heather @ From Here to There said...

Oh my gosh!! I hope your ankle was ok, you can't afford no doctors bill! lol Glad you were able to walk it off!